Learning Resources


  1. Flask Quick Start

  2. Flask URL Route Registrations

  3. Flask Logging Documentaion

  4. Logging Facility for Python

  5. Python Basic Logging Tutorial

  6. Python Logging Cookbook

  7. Python Advanced Logging Tutorial

  8. CS50 2020 - Lecture 9 - Flask

  9. Flask Application Video Tutoral from Tech with Tim

  10. Learn Flask for Python - freeCodeCamp Video Tutorial


  1. Docker Tutorial for Beginners - 3 Hour Video Course

  2. Docker Hub Quickstart

  3. Build a Docker Image

  4. Pushing a Docker Container Image to Doker Hub

  5. How to Build a Containerized Go Application with Docker

  6. Docker Image Pipeline for Go

  7. Build Python Docker Image

  8. How to Serve a Flask App with Amazon Lightsail Containers

  9. Docker Cheet Sheet

  10. How To Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 20.04

  11. A Beginner-Friendly Introduction to Containers, VMs and Docker


  1. Kubernetes Tutorial for Beginners - 4 Hour Video Course

  2. Official Kubernetes Tutorials

  3. Kubernetes Hands-on Labs

  4. Vagrant Documentation Resources

  5. Vagrant Cheat Sheet

  6. K3s Lightweight Kubernetes

  7. Stopping and starting Kubernetes cluster

  8. Organizing Cluster Access Using kubeconfig Files

  9. How to Manage Kubernetes With Kubectl

  10. Explore kubectl Cheat Sheet

  11. Kubernetes Config file

  12. Using kubectl to Create a Deployment

  13. How to Delete Pods from a Kubernetes Node

  14. Use Port Forwarding to Access Applications in a Cluster

GitHub Actions

  1. Create Secrets and Configure GitHub Actions

  2. GitHub Actions - 30 Min Video Tutorial

  3. GitHub and Git Foundations - 12 Video Lessons

  4. Get Started with GitHub Actions

  5. Publishing Docker Images Approach from GitHub


  1. Getting Started with Argo CD

  2. Argo CD Installation Video

  3. Guide To GitOps

  4. Helm Quickstart Guide

  5. Helm Deployment with Argo CD Video Tutorial

  6. CI/CD Guides for DevOps Engineers - 8 Video Playlist