5. Continuous Delivery Fundamentals

In this exercise, you will use Argo CD to automate the delivery of an application to a Kubernetes cluster.

Continuous Delivery (CD) is the ability to get code changes reliably to production environments. This practice should be automated and should enable developers to provide value to consumers efficiently.


Prepare your environment by following Preparation section in the exercise 3. Kubernetes Cluster

Exercise 5.1 - Deploy the Application Using Argo CD

  1. Install Argo CD by referring to the installation guide.

  2. Expose the argocd-server using a NodePort service on port 30007 on HTTP and 30008 on HTTPS. The YAML manifest for the NodePost service can be found in the tutorial repository.

  3. Access the Argo CD UI by going to or

  4. Insert login credentials by using the credentials guide.

  5. Create an Argo CD application named nginx-alpine and use the manifests provided in the course repository.

Configuration Managers

For the management of multiple declarative Kubernetes manifests, a templating layer is necessary, especially if the application is replicated across different regions. For this purpose configuration managers, such as Helm and Kustomize, were introduced.

This exercise will focus on creating your first Helm chart to deploy multiple Nginx applications using the same template and multiple input files.

Exercise 5.2 - Create a Helm Chart with Argo CD

Using the manifests provided in the course repository, create a helm chart (Chart.yaml, templates, values.yaml) that will template the following parameters:

  • namespace name

  • replica count

  • image:
    • name

    • tag

    • pull policy

  • resources:
    • requests for CPU and memory

  • service:
    • port

    • type (e.g. ClusterIP)

  • configmap data (e.g. the key-value pair)

The chart details should be as following:

  • name: nginx-deployment

  • version: 1.0.0

  • keywords: nginx

Exercise 5.3 - Create a YAML Values Files

Once the Helm chart is available make sure that a default values.yaml file is available. This values file will be used as a default input file for the Helm chart. The values.yaml file should have the following specification:

  • namespace name: demo

  • replica count: 3

  • image repository: nginx

  • image tag: alpine

  • image pull policy: IfNotPresent

  • resources: CPU 50m and memory 256Mi

  • service type: ClusterIP

  • service port: 8111

  • configmap data: “version: alpine”

Next, create two values files with the following specifications:

  • namespace name: staging

  • replica count: 1

  • image repository: nginx

  • image tag: 1.18.0

  • resources: CPU 50m and memory 128Mi

  • configmap data: “version: 1.18.0”

  • namespace name: prod

  • replica count: 2

  • image repository: nginx

  • image tag: 1.17.0

  • resources: CPU 70m and memory 256Mi

  • service port: 80

  • configmap data: “version: 1.17.0”

Exercise 5.4 - Create Argo CD Applications

Using the values files above (values-prod, values-staging), create two Argo CD applications, nginx-staging and nginx-prod respectively. These should deploy the nginx Helm Chart referencing each input values files.

Additional Resources

  1. Getting Started with Argo CD

  2. Argo CD Installation Video

  3. Guide To GitOps

  4. Helm Quickstart Guide

  5. Helm Deployment with Argo CD Video Tutorial

  6. CI/CD Guides for DevOps Engineers - 8 Video Playlist